Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Unleash the Dragon!

It is the Year of the Dragon! Golden Wedding Planners wants to wish all of our Chinese couples, past, present and future a very Happy New Year!

In 2007, it was the Year of the "Golden Pig" which only comes around every 60 years or so. That year, China saw a baby boom because it was considered especially lucky to have a baby that year. But 2012 is another lucky year, and if you're Chinese and lucky in love, this is the year for you!

This is the luckiest sign of the Chinese zodiac and that's why many Chinese couples are choosing this year to tie the knot. The extent of tradition seen in these weddings is up to the couple. There are many creative ways to show your guests that you're celebrating your marriage during the year of the dragon, and we're here to share a few. If you know of any others, or want to share pictures, you're welcome to email us at We'd love to feature a real Chinese wedding this year, so please get in touch if that's your plan!

First and foremost, it's not just the year that is lucky, but according to the Chinese calendar some days are luckier than others. So if you haven't picked your date yet, a few to consider would be: March 24, May 19, August 11, October 27, December 30, and many more.

If you're really superstitious, tradition dictates that you and your groom should not attend a wake or a funeral 3 months before your big day, or another wedding for that matter!

Some taboos you should avoid when planning your Chinese wedding: no white, blue or green in your decorations. These are considered mourning colors, so keep that in mind especially when meeting with your florist. Speaking of your flowers, avoid pale yellow or white chrysanthemums because those are used for funerals or to decorate graves.

Red is the color for Chinese weddings and represents luck and happiness. You can tie this color into your flowers, your invitations, and even on your cake. If you want to bring wealth and fortune into your marriage, then the color for you is gold. If you're planning an evening wedding, why not add a lot of gold sparkle to it, right down to your shoes? Rim your signature cocktails with gold colored sugar! Another color to incorporate is silver, which signifies purity and fulfillment. If you're all about the sparkle, mix up your silver and gold for a party that will really shine! If you like red but it's just too bold for you, pink stands for love and romance and is also used in Chinese weddings. If you're wedding is in the spring, this will be easy to accomplish with big fluffy roses and pink uplighting at your reception.

When it comes to the dress, there are many options. You could stay in a traditional white dress the entire night, but many brides change their dress before the reception to something even more traditional. To celebrate the year of the dragon, many brides are having a dragon stitched onto the red fabric of the dress. While the bride may choose to wear a red qipao, the groom can also get in on the action and change his clothes before the reception. Grooms can wear a traditional blue robe at the ceremony and then change into his suit at the reception. While his wardrobe changes won't be as elaborate as the bride's, there are plenty of options to choose from, so celebrate your heritage and your own personal style!

The clothing that is chosen for the bridesmaids and groomsmen is equally as important. In fact, even the flowers they carry or wear needs to be decided carefully. A Chinese wedding also honors parents and grandparents using flowers.

You can have a lion dance at your reception or at the tea ceremony, or even have them escort you and your party from the ceremony to the reception! Serve foods like Peking duck and lobster to your guests. Use origami in your centerpieces and other decorations. There are so many traditions and you can use as many or as few as you would like.

Need help planning your Chinese wedding? Contact us today to get started. If you have wedding pictures to share, please email us so we can feature you in a future blog.

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lyrically Speaking

"You are sunlight and I moon, joined by the Gods of Fortune...
....midnight and high noon..sharing the sky.
We have been blessed, you and I..."
-Miss Saigon-

A wedding is the best chance to express to your love how much you need them in your life. It's also a stage for everyone else to see how strong your bond is, and how much you mean to each other.

But sometimes, words aren't so easy to come by. You know how much you love your partner, so why can't you say it? Are there truly no words good enough to express how your heart only feels right when you are both together? Is there nothing that can be said that would convey how crazy in love you both are? Many couples struggle to find the right words, whether they be your vows, or the lyrics in your first dance...or even a song you want to sing with each other. Enter Broadway musicals.

For anyone who knows me, it's no secret that I am passionate about theatre. I have been performing most of my life, and the stage is a place where I feel truly alive. I met my husband working in the theatre, and we have bonded over many beautiful and romantic songs. It seemed an obvious choice to weave them into our ceremony, and I would invite others to do the same.

Now what if you're not a theatre buff? What if you've only seen Cats or Oklahoma and don't know anything else? Google is your friend, and iTunes is an even better one. There are countless love stories sweeping Broadway stages, and there's bound to be more than one that speaks to you and your love. Look up "romantic broadway show lyrics", and then listen to a few on iTunes!

The lyrics quoted above are from "Miss Saigon", and while this love store has a tragic ending, the passion these two share for each other is something many only wish they could have in their lives. A simple search of the lyrics and you might find a story that relates to you.

Then again, you might be a fun, laid back couple, always making a joke out of anything. Pick a charming show that makes your guests laugh and shows off your sense of humor! Perhaps your style is sophisticated and you want your ceremony to be just that. Whatever you both are, there are so many options to choose from, and there's no need to rely on the latest pop song to show how you care. And while there's nothing wrong with country (though this wedding planner doesn't care for it), odds are you'd kind find a stronger sentiment in a Broadway song than you can in anything that's won a country music award.

So do a little digging! Put some lyrics in your vows. Find that perfect first dance. Ask someone special to sing a song from a show as you walk down the aisle. Open your mind to the possibilities of the Broadway musical, and you just might find that piece of your ceremony you didn't know what missing.

"There were bells, on the hill,
but I never heard them ringing...
No I never heard them at all,
till there was you..."
-The Music Man-

....dedicated to my music man and my partner for life....


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A toast to a new trend!

That's not champagne that you're looking at, it's Prosecco. It's the newest bubbly being served from the downtown bar on New Year's Eve to swanky wedding receptions across the country. Now, you can make your toast even more special by choosing France's less expensive cousin from Italy. I mean, if it's good enough for the Inaugural Ball of President Obama, you might just want to give it a try!

Prosecco is an Italian white wine made from Glera grapes. It has a dry to a semi-sweet taste and the amount of bubbles will vary depending on which one you purchase. It's well worth to do a tasting of a few different types to see what you like. If your venue allows you to bring in your own Prosecco, spend a few months before your wedding trying a new bottle every week. You can set up a Friday night date night with your husband to be and have your very own cozy Prosecco tasting!

Just like Champagne, Prosecco can be customized to reflect your own taste. For instance, try having your venue serve it topped with Chambord and a strawberry to give it an extra special taste. You can pour it straight into the glass and garnish the top with raspberries. If you're having a summer wedding and you're still looking for a signature drink, why not try a Bellini? Prosecco is the original main ingredient! Having an Italian wedding? Offer the Italian cocktail: Sgroppino to your guests using Prosecco, Vodka, lemon sorbet and fresh mint leaves! The bubbly isn't just for toasting anymore.

Prosecco differs from Champagne in many different ways. The process used to make it, cuts the price in half, and is something to consider if you're looking for little ways to trim your budget. It also does not ferment in the bottle like Champagne does, and therefore should be drunk within 3 years of being produced. The younger the Prosecco, the better.

There are a wide variety of Prosecco's offered and we would love to hear what your favorite one is! If you find one you love, please let us know so we can share it with all of the brides who visit this blog. This is a wonderful trend that will add that extra bit of bubbly to your reception!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Razzle dazzle and bead and feather 'em....

2012 is bringing back the 1930s! One of the hottest trends for this year's weddings will be the styles we saw back then (ok, not us, but some people). This should make my Jersey brides happy as feathers were a huge staple back then and they are insanely popular right now. But we're not talking about feather extensions. We mean so much more!

The 1930's were glamourous years and there was a very distinctive style that went along with it. If you're just starting to plan your wedding but aren't sure what your theme should be, then we have some great ideas for you! Whether you want to hold your ceremony in the ultimate art deco location (that would be The Mezzanine in Newark for all our Jersey brides) and bead and feather the whole party, or just add little touches of the decade, we have some great ideas for you!

If you're looking for the ultimate 1930's experience for both you and your guests, then your first stop (besides hiring an ultimate wedding planner) on your list is a trip to visit venues. Use words like "art deco" when speaking with your planner so they know exactly where to bring you. My Jersey brides should absolutely start with The Mezzanine in the National Newark Building (picture at the top). While you can easily transform a reception hall into the 1930's, a great planner can show you the best original locations to make your vision come to life.

When looking at your dresses, simplicity and glamour are the two words to keep in mind. For all of you princess brides, if you require a big over the top dress, this would not be the style for you. The 1930's wedding gown is all about the plunging v-neck, low back, drop waist, but most of all, it must be simple. You can pair off this sleek satin or silk gown with an amazing cap veil chock full of beading! In fact, hair accessories are the best way to play up this gown whether you want to use a veil, feathers or run glitter through your hair. Of course, speak to your hair stylist about the perfect 1930's updo to complete the look. Don't forget to incorporate the style into your bridesmaids' gowns and your fiance's tuxedo! You can even ask your guests to get into the style by having the men rock out some fedoras (easy for my Jersey men, right?).

You can change your bar into a speakeasy since prohibition ended in 1933. Make a signature cocktail that represents you and your groom but also reflects the era you two are celebrating. Try a sidecar or a whiskey sour!

Don't forget to bring this era onto the dancefloor! Ask your DJ or band to play some signature 1930's songs, which features plenty of swing dancing. During your engagement, take some dance classes with your sweetheart to learn the moves from back then. As cliche as they may be at weddings, congo lines were invented in the 1930's and would be much more appropriate than say...the chicken dance.

There is no end to what you can do when using this decade as inspiration. DIY brides will have just as much fun putting it all together. Name your table "Fred and Ginger", play lots of Ella Fitzgerald's songs....Just don't forget the feathers, beads and sequins. Happy planning!

"Give 'em the old three ring circus...stun and stagger 'em"

Happy New Year!!

Happy 2012 from Golden Wedding Planners! It is officially the start of wedding season as so many couples get engaged between the winter holidays and Valentine's Day! If you were one of the lucky ones to get engaged then congratulations and thank you so much for stopping by our blog!

This year and always we are striving to give you the best wedding planning experience in the world! We're working together with the best vendors in the area for our new "All-Inclusive Packages". These packages are designed for one stop shopping and to get you the best deals. You'll be able to purchase our wedding planning services, plus book your DJ, stylists, car company, florist and photographer all for one great price! We're introducing three packages all a little different depending on your wedding needs. So please stop by our website or contact for more information.

2012 also brings you our new price guarantee! That's right, we're offering the best prices in the tri-state (NY-NJ-CT) area for all of your wedding planner needs. We offer various packages that you can customize for your special day. You can also design your own package or simply hire us for "Day of" coordination. No matter what, our planner prices will not be beat! So if you thought hiring a planner would break your bank, let us prove you wrong. We're always offering our free in person or over the phone consultations. Email us today at or call us directly at 732-236-4065. All of our packages can be seen at

Lastly, we'll be unveiling our "Preferred Vendor" list on our website. This is a list of vendors that we work with and would recommend for all of your wedding needs. Even if you don't book our services, you can book these vendors at a discounted price by mentioning our name!

Happy New Year to you and best wishes for the future! We look forward to planning your special day!
