Monday, April 14, 2014

Tables are the New Linens

Latest trend that we are obsessed with: tables sans linens. In fact, tables ARE the new linens. Whether you're having a glammed up glitzy party, or a rustic event on a farm, burn those linens and make those tables naked, as they should be!

Depending on your style of event, you may be thinking about color coordinating your linens. A popular choice is always a basic, clean white to cover those round basic banquet tables. But do you really want to be basic? No, no you do not. 

While we are still a fan of draping tables in gorgeous colored fabrics, and believe that you should splurge in that area of planning, there is no reason to rule out a naked table. You will have to rent the linens, so why not just rent the table and really change up the room? 

For instance, if your party is going to be the talk of the town and off the charts in the swankiness department, rent long, or even round, mirrored tables. The candles you will use will reflect off the mirrors giving a major glow to the room, and you won't feel the pressure to adorn your tables with lots of tall flowers. 
Is your event more country and less blingy? No worries because you don't need linens for that type of party either! Swap out whatever tables your venue is offering (although you most likely have to rent tables if you're doing the barn thing) and bring in gorgeous, long farmhouse tables! Whether you want to run mason jars and candles down the middle, or even a flower runner, the wood is a beautiful backdrop.

If you feel that your farmhouse table needs a little coverage, then throw a lace or burlap runner down the middle, leaving the edges exposed. These tables are a little wider than normal long tables, so you will have the room to do this.

Extra bonus: red wine wipes right off a table top, but can stain those precious linens you just spent a fortune renting.

We promise, tables are the new linens. If your event is coming up, we can help coordinate all of your rentals and bring in tables that will wow you, and of course, your guests!

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